Nick's Software

Electronic Referrals for Cardiac Monitoring

Electronic Referrals for Cardiac Monitoring

Electronically log referrals with essential patient information. Quick and easy data entry, minimising errors and save time.

Workflow Management

Assign referrals to technicians and cardiologists with a simple click. Track progress in real-time, ensuring efficient and timely completion.

Report Generation

Receive comprehensive reports directly through the portal. Reports are generated by qualified cardiologists, ensuring accuracy and reliability.

Billing and Claim

Seamlessly claim reimbursements from Medicare or DVA. Our system facilitates easy billing for services provided.

Join the Future of Holter Monitoring

Experience the future of Holter monitoring with NS-eReferrals. Enhance patient care, improve workflow efficiency, and take your clinic's cardiac services to new heights. Contact us today to schedule a demo and discover how our software can transform your cardiac care practices.

Get in touch

NS-eReferrals - Elevating Patient Care

At Nick's Software, we take pride in revolutionizing cardiac monitoring with our cutting-edge software.

As the developers behind the scenes for a leading company importing premium Holters such as Ela Medical Spiderview and Cortrium C3, as well as ABI and ABPM equipment from Microlife and TensioMed, we understand the vital role these devices play in patient care.

Our commitment is to empower healthcare professionals with a seamless, efficient, and user-friendly platform for managing referrals, tracking procedures, and generating comprehensive reports.

Our software seamlessly integrates with leading Holter devices, ABI, and ABPM equipment, ensuring that clinics have access to the latest in cardiac monitoring technology.

Say goodbye to manual paperwork and hello to streamlined efficiency! Our portal allows clinics to electronically log referrals for Holters, ABI, and ABPM, providing a centralized and organized system to manage patient data.
Effortless Referral Management

Managing referrals is a critical aspect of providing comprehensive cardiac care, and NS-eReferrals] excels in making this process seamless and efficient.

Say goodbye to cumbersome paperwork and emails. Our user-friendly portal allows clinics to electronically log referrals for Holters, ABI, and ABPM, enabling swift and accurate data entry. This eliminates the risk of manual errors and ensures that patient information is securely stored in a centralized system.

Tailor referral forms to meet specific requirements for Holters, ABI, and ABPM. Our system allows clinics to create customized referral templates, ensuring that all relevant information is captured for each type of monitoring device. This flexibility enhances communication between healthcare providers and ensures that the necessary data is readily available.

Transparent Workflow

Keep track of referral progress in real-time. From the moment a referral is logged to its completion, our system provides instant updates. Clinics can monitor the status of each referral, including technician assignments, procedure completion, and report generation. This transparency enhances communication and allows for proactive management of patient care.

Our portal serves as a secure communication hub for all involved parties. Clinics, technicians, and cardiologists can easily communicate within the platform, reducing the reliance on external communication channels. This centralized approach fosters collaboration, streamlines information exchange, and ensures that everyone is on the same page throughout the referral process.

Maintain accountability with comprehensive audit trails. Our system logs every action taken within the portal, creating a detailed record of referral activities. This feature enhances transparency, aids in quality control, and provides valuable insights for continuous process improvement.

Effortless referral management is at the core of NS-eReferrals, ensuring that clinics can focus on delivering exceptional cardiac care while our platform takes care of the administrative complexities. Experience the ease of managing referrals for Holters, ABI, and ABPM with our advanced and intuitive software.

User-Friendly Interface

Designed with healthcare professionals in mind, our intuitive interface makes navigation a breeze. Save time and focus on what matters most – patient care, whether it's for Holters, ABI, or ABPM.

Our software boasts a clean and intuitive design, ensuring that healthcare professionals can easily find what they need without unnecessary complications. The user interface is thoughtfully organized, with logical workflows that mirror the natural progression of cardiac monitoring processes for Holters, ABI, and ABPM.

Effortlessly move through the system with simplified navigation. Whether you are logging referrals, tracking procedures, or generating reports, our interface guides you through each step. Our goal is to minimize the learning curve, allowing users to become proficient quickly and focus on delivering exceptional patient care.

Navigate the system confidently with guided workflows. Our software anticipates user needs and provides step-by-step guidance for common tasks such as logging referrals, assigning procedures, and accessing reports. This feature ensures that even users with varying levels of technical expertise can efficiently utilize the platform.

Access our platform from various devices with ease. The responsive layout ensures that the user interface adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes, providing a consistent and enjoyable experience whether you are working on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone. This flexibility enables healthcare professionals to stay connected and manage referrals on the go.


Billing and Claims


Efficient billing and claims processing are pivotal aspects of any healthcare operation. We've streamlined the billing and claims process to ensure that your clinic can focus on delivering exceptional patient care while maximizing reimbursements for Holter, ABI, and ABPM services.


We understand the importance of maximizing reimbursements for the services provided. Our system is designed to facilitate accurate and comprehensive reimbursement claims for Holters, ABI, and ABPM procedures. By automating the billing process, we minimize delays and ensure that your clinic receives the rightful compensation for the healthcare services rendered.


Navigating the intricacies of reimbursement from Medicare and DVA can be a daunting task. With NS-eReferrals, you can trust our platform to handle claims submission efficiently. Our system generates the necessary documentation and ensures that claims are submitted in accordance with the requirements of Medicare and DVA, facilitating a smoother reimbursement process.


Stay informed about the status of your billing and claims. Our platform provides real-time updates on the progress of submitted claims, allowing your clinic to track reimbursement status effortlessly. This transparency enhances financial visibility and enables proactive management of your clinic's revenue cycle.


Secure and Compliant


We recognize the paramount importance of data security and regulatory compliance in the healthcare industry. Our commitment to ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of patient information is woven into the fabric of our software.


Rest easy knowing that all data transmitted and stored within our platform is encrypted using industry-standard protocols. Our robust encryption measures safeguard patient information, preventing unauthorized access and mitigating the risk of data breaches. Whether it's patient demographics, procedural details, or diagnostic reports, your data is protected at every stage.


Our system implements role-based access control, allowing you to define and manage user permissions according to their roles within the healthcare organization. This ensures that only authorized personnel have access to specific functionalities and patient data, minimizing the risk of unauthorized usage or data mishandling.


Enhance accountability and traceability with detailed audit trails. Every action within the system is logged, providing a comprehensive record of user activities. This feature not only assists in tracking the progression of referrals but also serves as a valuable tool for internal audits, compliance assessments, and quality improvement initiatives.


Our commitment to security doesn't end with the initial development. We continuously monitor the threat landscape, proactively address vulnerabilities, and provide timely updates to fortify our software against emerging risks. This proactive approach ensures that your clinic benefits from a secure and resilient solution.

Why Choose NS-eReferrals?


Comprehensive Monitoring:

  • Cover all aspects of cardiac monitoring, from Holters to ABI and ABPM, with our integrated solution.


Optimized Workflow:

  • Streamline your cardiac monitoring processes with our efficient and user-friendly portal.


Integrated Medicare & DVA Claiming:

  • Effortless claims submission to Medicare and DVA is a cornerstone of NS-eReferrals.


Expert Support:

  • Benefit from our dedicated support team, ready to assist with any inquiries or challenges.


Stay Compliant:

  • Rest assured that our software is designed to meet the highest standards of security and compliance.
Join the Future of Cardiac Monitoring
Experience the future of cardiac monitoring with NS-eReferrals.
Enhance patient care, improve workflow efficiency, and take your clinic's cardiac services to new heights.
Contact us today to schedule a demo and discover how our software can transform your Holter, ABI, and ABPM monitoring practices.
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